It has been recently scientifically proven that regular mental exercise can greatly improve your memory. This app has been designed to do just that! In particular,
Test your memory ! Discover all animals pairs by checking two squares each time. Are you ready to challenge your memory daily with "Memory Champ" ?
- Match pairs of stones
- Different levels of difficulty
- Colorful images of stones to be easily remembered
A free memory game for kids and adults.
Belum lama ini telah terbukti secara ilmiah bahwa latihan mental teratur dapat sangat meningkatkan memori Anda. Aplikasi ini telah dirancang untuk melakukan hal itu! Khususnya,
Menguji memori Anda! Temukan semua hewan pasangan dengan memeriksa dua kotak setiap kali. Apakah Anda siap untuk menantang memori Anda sehari-hari dengan "Memory Champ"?
- Pasang Pertandingan batu
- Tingkat yang berbeda dari kesulitan
- Gambar Colorful batu agar mudah diingat
Sebuah memori permainan gratis untuk anak-anak dan orang dewasa.
It has been recently scientifically proven that regular mental exercise can greatly improve your memory. This app has been designed to do just that! In particular,
Test your memory ! Discover all animals pairs by checking two squares each time. Are you ready to challenge your memory daily with "Memory Champ" ?
- Match pairs of stones
- Different levels of difficulty
- Colorful images of stones to be easily remembered
A free memory game for kids and adults.